K-9 and Company
Tento Spin-off byl natočen v roce 1981. 1. z této dobrodružné série byl pilotní díl A Girl's best Friend, tady jsme mohli vidět Sarah Jane Smith, bývalou Doctorovu společnici, a robotického psa K-9, kterého ji daroval Doctor.
Torchwood Institute založila v 19. století královna Victorie, proti mimozmským bytostem, kteří chtějí náš Svět. Toto jsme mohli vidět v Doctor who: Tooth and Claw.
Torchwood Hub leží v Cardiffu, kde se vyvíjí i děj tohoto seriálu, Captain Jack Harkness, tajemný agent z minulosti, se kterým jsme se mohli setkat už v Doctor who, společně s kolegy řeší případy, kdy se mimozemšťané dostanou na náši Zemi a oni je musí patřičně vyhubit.
V Torchwoodu momentálně pracuje:
Captain Jack Harkness
Owen Harper
Ianto Jones
Gwen Cooper
Toshiko Sato
Sarah Jane Adventures
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Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
(DenGroolo, 6. 10. 2024 12:53)
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
Mysimba is a medicine used along with diet and exercise to help manage weight in adults:
who are obese (have a body-mass index - BMI - of 30 or more);
who are overweight (have a BMI between 27 and 30) and have weight-related complications such as diabetes, abnormally high levels of fat in the blood, or high blood pressure.
BMI is a measurement that indicates body weight relative to height.
Mysimba contains the active substances naltrexone and bupropion.
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
(DenGroolo, 6. 10. 2024 12:50)
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
Mysimba is a medicine used along with diet and exercise to help manage weight in adults:
who are obese (have a body-mass index - BMI - of 30 or more);
who are overweight (have a BMI between 27 and 30) and have weight-related complications such as diabetes, abnormally high levels of fat in the blood, or high blood pressure.
BMI is a measurement that indicates body weight relative to height.
Mysimba contains the active substances naltrexone and bupropion.
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
(DenGroolo, 6. 10. 2024 12:48)
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
Mysimba is a medicine used along with diet and exercise to help manage weight in adults:
who are obese (have a body-mass index - BMI - of 30 or more);
who are overweight (have a BMI between 27 and 30) and have weight-related complications such as diabetes, abnormally high levels of fat in the blood, or high blood pressure.
BMI is a measurement that indicates body weight relative to height.
Mysimba contains the active substances naltrexone and bupropion.
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
(DenGroolo, 6. 10. 2024 12:47)
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
Mysimba is a medicine used along with diet and exercise to help manage weight in adults:
who are obese (have a body-mass index - BMI - of 30 or more);
who are overweight (have a BMI between 27 and 30) and have weight-related complications such as diabetes, abnormally high levels of fat in the blood, or high blood pressure.
BMI is a measurement that indicates body weight relative to height.
Mysimba contains the active substances naltrexone and bupropion.
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
(DenGroolo, 6. 10. 2024 12:44)
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
Mysimba is a medicine used along with diet and exercise to help manage weight in adults:
who are obese (have a body-mass index - BMI - of 30 or more);
who are overweight (have a BMI between 27 and 30) and have weight-related complications such as diabetes, abnormally high levels of fat in the blood, or high blood pressure.
BMI is a measurement that indicates body weight relative to height.
Mysimba contains the active substances naltrexone and bupropion.
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